December 26, 2008

SU-30's Cobra Maneuvers - A Treat for PAF's Shaheen

SU-30's Cobra Maneuvers - A Treat for PAF Shaheen

By: Qasim Al-Yaldram

The disparity between the IAF and PAF has always been in numbers , since there inceptions. But the technological edge, as most people know, have always been PAF Shaheen's school of specialism. In 1965, PAF fighter pilot was interviewed upon which he said "They are falling like birds." For detail view click the following That was the state of readiness our PAF has ever been since.

India has been trying hard to cover the vacuum that PAF Shaheen legacy makers left. And to some extent they have been quite successful in acquiring the Mirage2000s (French) and recently Russian state of the art roll out SU-30 MKI. The aircraft has impressed many airforces around the globe including, Indonesia, Malaysia, Venezuela, China and India in particular. Recently, Indian Airforce has been able to couple SU-30MKI aircrafts with there own indigenously developed and Israeli acquired avionics, making it a lethal fighter plane then ever before.

However, the game is not over yet!!! The will to remain intact in the war, only decides a 'Victor'. SU-30MKI is equipped with some most advance Actice ESA RADAR system Phazotron, which can track upto 15 air targets including cruise missiles and helicopters.  SU-30MKI can perform complex air combat maneuvers like Pugachev's Cobra, Cobra Turns and Kulbits. And above all, the best part of the parcel is, SU-30MKI has Thrust Vectoring capability which may seem, flawless.

Even said and agreed with the technological beauty of this plane. Yet, war is not all about technology and numerical disparity. It is the way how good, one can exploit the weakness of its adversary. SU-30MKI was designed for air superiority missions including air interception and ground attack capabilities. Its air maneuverability is improved by installing canards in the front. Yet it remains a heavy plane when in the air. Thrust vector may sound amazing, but the fact is, the true potential of thrust vectoring capability during a dogfight still remain a question of doubt as of today.

The thrust vectoring in SU-30MKI forms an introverted V shaped thrust, which does not pitch the aircraft as needed, in certain air combat maneuvers e.g. doing scissor. And very unlike in F-22 Raptor which has two dimensional pitched thrust. Therefore, when the thrust vectoring is implied, it creates massive drag for such iron mass in the air, consequently, SU-30MKI is unable to sustain its height instead, it starts sinking down. And before, SU-30MKI has completed its Cobra maneuver, the pilot may be looking for ejection button, as dozen of bullets have already been drilled in to its plane by an adversary.

SU-30MKI aircraft implies two Saturn Al-31FP turbofans, which gives good thrust to the aircraft. Yet, the quality of these engines due to Russian origin still remain highly susceptible as compare to RD-93(Advance version of Russian RD-33), Pratt & Whitney or even Rolls Royce. In case of any disruption of the engines, Indians Airforce has no other choice but to send the engines back to Russia to be fixed, rather repairing them at home.

The ability of any aircraft, is exhibited as soon as it can be airborne in real time situation. SU-3MKI needs one minute spacing to take-off. Where as PAF Shaheen has been able to reduce the airborne time of A-5 aircrafts to less then one minute, which are considered to be oldest aircrafts serving today. One minute spacing means, a window of time span for PAF Shaheen to attack and destroy the rest of the SU-30MKI planes getting ready for taxi.

Last but not the least, the man behind the weapon really matters. In some of the recent air exercises held by Indian and US Airforces together like Red Flag 2008. It was found that pilots of SU-30MKIs had less then 100 flying hours, altogether. Whereas PAF Shaheen are far more superior in terms of flying hours and quality of awareness towards the practicality of technology during the war. However, its not far when SU-30MKI pilots would enhance there flying hours, excavate the true potential of this aircraft and use it for there advantage.

The world is undergoing global force-repositioning phase, where every strong nation is getting ready for offensive. It is imperative that air war doctorine of PAF Shaheen should be revised and should put on offensive footing rather then ground support and air interception missions. PAF Shaheen are second to none even now. But much more work has yet to be done by fast forwarding the JF-17 induction and J-10 procurements. PAF Shaheen has to re-establish there objectivity in terms of Pakistan's vision of calling itself "FORT OF ISLAM". PAF Shaheen has to think out of geographic boundaries and have to start working on air superiority and surgical strikes mission in India and in middle eastern fronts. 

Pakistan ka matlub kia La illaha lllAllah!!!

December 20, 2008

Farah Dogar & Maryam Nawaz: Of Pakistani Elite’s Sons and Daughte



Friday, 19 December 2008.



RAWALPINDI, Pakistan—First it
was Arsalan Iftikhar, then Farah
Dogar and now something has surfaced against Mariam Nawaz Sharif.


This takes me back to General Zia era, when a politician close to him had requested him
for the favor of admitting his daughter in the
Army Medical College which had sixty seats.


Zia sent her
application to General Mirza Aslam
Beg – then VCOAS with the remarks to accommodate her, who forwarded it to
Major General Waheed Kakar
the then Adjutant General (AG) for the ‘necessary action’.  Gen Kakar, however,
returned the file with the remarks “Regret, she doesn’t come up to
the merit”.


his next routine visit to the GHQ, Gen.
Zia just
walked unannounced into the office of the AG and confronted him with the
application saying, “I am sure, there must be a way out to admit
her”. Gen.
Kakar, true to his reputation, stood
his ground saying, ‘Sir, under the rules I cannot. However, if you order
it, I will admit her”. General
Zia, probably
resigning to the inevitable, started moving slowly towards the door but before
reaching it turned back and asked where she stood on the merit list.
  “Sir, she is 79th and we
have only 60 seats”, answered the AG.


a flash rising to the occasion, he ordered, “Increase the intake to 80
from this year” and walked out triumphantly. Rules were not violated and
yet the ego vindicated.


Col. Riaz Jafri
Retd) is based in
Rawalpindi. His commentary is appears
frequently in several national Pakistani dailies. He can be reached at
jafri AT


© 2007-2008. All rights reserved. & PakNationalists

copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium

without royalty provided this notice is

December 19, 2008

How Much More Disgrace You Want, Mr. Adnan Sami Khan?

How Much More Disgrace You Want, Mr. Adnan Sami Khan?

Letter to Mr. Adnan Sami
Khan, the young Pakistani singer who, in a fit of rage, left Pakistan
and traveled to India, settled there, and turned his back on his
homeland and his people. Today, he learns the hard way the value of the

Dear Mr. Adnan Sami Khan,

I am your fellow citizen from Pakistan, writing you to ask you: How much more disgrace you are going earn from

Adnan, trust me, you don't even look Indian!

Adnan, trust me, you don't even look Indian!

so-called friends in "India". You have made your singing career in
India, every one admired you but when it came to filing a case for
nationality in India,
they reminded you that you are a Pakistani and treated you the way they
treat their suppressed class known as the untouchables.

Now in your very words, your friend
Jagjit Singh has dumped you. How much more you'll disgrace your legacy, your heritage and your green identity?

Therefore, I, being Pakistani fellow citizen, invite you to come back
and start afresh in your own country. Allah will help you in making
your way up. The amount of respect you'll earn by working for your
green passport and green flag will be enormous.

The time is right. We welcome you back home to Pakistan. That's why
we call Pakistan "Home". Home is the place where one can be at peace
like nowhere else.

Below is the news report that provoked to write this letter and offer a piece of advice to you to come back home, to

Adnan Sami can't sing: Jagjit Singh

MUMBAI: Singer Adnan Sami refuses to believe that Indian ghazal maestro Jagjit Singh criticised him by saying "he can't sing and should go back to Pakistan".

"I can't believe Jagjit would talk like this about me.
He's always been so sweet to me. I'm his biggest fan. And why would he
say I came to India to become an actor?

"When I came here, I weighed three times more than what I am. And
why would he accuse me of sending my money to Pakistan? I earn and pay
taxes in Mumbai, I can show you my PAN card," said Adnan.

Singh, who openly acknowledges Mehdi Hassan as his main inspiration, told a website in an interview that Adnan can't sing and should go back home.

Jagjit Singh was quoted as saying, "He (Adnan)
became a singer by mistake. He had come here to become an actor and by
mistake he became a singer. He can't even sing. People like him should
be sent back to work there (Pakistan) because they make money in India and send it to Pakistan."


Best Regards,

Kazem Al Yaldram


Mission.pak AT

Fareed Zakaria GPS

Fareed Zakaria GPS
BY: Qasim Al-Yaldram

indeed is the last resort. But in today's climax of global
repositioning of geo-strategic forces, the war is waged via media. And
thanks to the slogan of "freedom of speech". Now, its far more easier
to defeat a nation on ideological basis, rather committing an
international massacre.


Mr. Fareed Zakaria

we would like to focus on one of the high profiled personalities
present today in the international media, who has won accolades for
there outstanding performances such as, Mr Fareed Zakaria. He was named
"Editor of Newsweek International in October 2000" and
hosts an international affairs program, Fareed Zakaria GPS on CNN.
However, fact remains simple, there could be only two things, Black or
White. And it becomes imperative for us to investigate and analyze
whose interests persons such as Mr.Fareed Zakaria may be serving the
best? In order to simplify this mystery, we ponder on the geo-political developments
in our surroundings and evaluate Mr.Fareed's objectivity in the light
of our own national interests.

In the recent past, one of the
renowned retired armed forces personal Gen(R) Hamid Gul was interviewed
by Mr. Fareed Zakaria on CNN, in a program called 'GPS'. The program
was an absolute success, serving the best purpose in the international
media i.e. "Attack these terror-mongers (Pakistan)!!!". However,
lets recapitulate Mr. Fareed's background for a while, which perhaps
will help us see behind-the-wall. Mr. Fareed is an Indian born American
journalist, received a B.A. from Yale and a Ph.D. in political science
from Harvard. An active participant of Paul Wolfowitz's historical
meeting to attack Iraq, staunch supporter to Barack Obama's
presidential candidature and in the current times, playing his part to
support attack so-called "terror camps" in Pakistan.

The state
of his personal agenda becomes audible, understandable and visible in
the program "Fareed Zakaria GPS", in which he interviewed Gen(R) Hamid
Gul. The objectivity of the questions asked by Mr. Fareed on his show
can simply lead to a conclusion of proving a biased fact i.e. ISI is a
in addition to that, establishing the evidence that the intelligence
agencies of Pakistan are being run by villain-Generals in much like
Bond-007 movies. In one of the questions, after diffusing Gen (R) Hamid
Gul's initial rage over illegitimate allegations. Mr. Fareed makes flanking attack on Gen(R) Hamid Gul asking, "Do you think it
would be retired ISI people, o' who would be training these, these
groups?" Clearly, a prejudiced opinion, validating ISI as complete
"ROGUE" agency. In other question Mr.Fareed tries to provocate the Pakistani political Govt. by saying "the next day it was revealed effectively the Army Chief of Staff had overruled him(Mr.Zardari)".
The word overruled precisely delivers the further agenda i.e. axis of
evil is non other but Pakistan Army and ISI, which can not co-exist
with so-called "Democratic" government in Pakistan. And must be
curtailed down to local glorified police force.

They may seem quite appropriate to be called irresponsible acts of media in the name of "Freedom of Speech". On the contrary, we would like to advise, a
clear signs of  psy-ops conducted by CNN in the above
image. Gen(R).Hamid Gul retired way back in early 1990s, but
international media such as CNN forgot to even mention retired (R) caption
to his former designation. The questions can be raised is how and why? 

Religion may remain an
unimportant and a personal business in western "secular-democratic"
societies. But it plays important role in emotional societies such as
ours, Pakistan. And in this "unprecedented-times"  rightly mentioned by
Pakistani defense analyst Mr. Zaid Hamid. Pakistani nation, must draw
the lines between a foe and friend by analyzing actions, rather naming
conventions and personal outlook.  Following articles of Mr. Fareed
Zakaria may further endorse our analysis of anti-Pakistan agenda for
whatsoever ideologies, he may be inspired with.

End of the Line for Islamabad  

Unless Pakistan changes how it conceives of its interests and strategy, it will remain an unstable and distrusted place.Published Dec 6, 2008. From the magazine issue dated Dec 15, 2008. Or Click the URL

Wanted: A New Grand Strategy

The next U.S. president faces a unique opportunity to put in place an architecture of peace for the 21st century.

Published Nov 29, 2008 From the magazine issue dated Dec 8, 2008. Or Click the URL

This Fire Needs to Be Put Out

horrific attacks in Mumbai should be a call to arms for the region.
Published Nov 29, 2008. From the magazine issue dated Dec 8, 2008. Or
Click the URL

For further readings of Mr. Fareed's intellectual contribution please click URL^%22fareed%20zakaria%22$&sortDirection=descending&sortField=pubdatetime&offset=0&pageSize=10

such analysis "Careful" , "Precautions" are few words that may be
suggested to all the personals responsible directly or indirectly for
the state's affairs. Pakistani nation must stand for peace but when it
comes to confronting national integrity and dealing with illegitimate
allegations such as "terror-mongers". "Precautions" measures, off
course should be in practice, but ferocity in the message should be
visible widely.

Pakistan ka matlab kia La illaha illallah!!!